Dear Parent/Guardian,

My name is Carolyn Sims-Nesmith, and I want to take a moment to introduce myself and tell you about a wonderful Youth Performing Arts Program being offered this summer through CSN Productions.

In 2011, I founded CSN Productions (Performing Arts Company) located inside the Scotts Mills complex on Scotts Lane in East Falls, Philadelphia.  I have extensive experience singing, directing, writing and producing a vast number of concerts and theatrical productions. As the Creative Director of CSN Productions, I created and oversaw youth performing arts programs for students interested in the areas of voice, acting and dance.  Our students identify a theme that expresses their interests and concerns and develop and perform an original production with professionally produced music.

Youth Performing Arts Program is comprised of an outstanding team of artistic professionals including top notch: writers, actors, singers and dancers who work seamlessly together to ensure that our youth performing arts program is amongst the very best!

Program Days (Hours) ׀   July 8 – August 16 ׀ Monday – Friday ׀ 9 AM – 3 PM

Student Registration Starts February 10!

Register your youth as soon as possible!

We have 10 spaces for students remaining and openings will fill up fast!

The $25.00 registration fee will secure a place for your youth!

Visit: csnproductions.com

We want students from all communities to have an opportunity to experience this enriching program. Therefore, the cost for the entire six weeks, is just $720.00 dollars and 3 installment payments ($240.00 dollars each) are acceptable. 

It’s our goal for parents and students to be 100% satisfied with our program. The environment at the studio is: professional, encourages self-esteem and helps students further develop a love and appreciation for the Arts.  There will be live student performances at the studio on July 19 and August 2. And, there will be a major (final) performance on Friday, August 16th at a larger venue to be announced early August. We ask parents/guardians to sell tickets for all live performances.

Enclosed is detailed information about the program including: an Overview, Code of Conduct and Registration form.  We encourage you to review information and complete forms through our website, csnproductions.com.

Please feel encouraged to contact us for additional information. We want to be a part of helping your loved one Reach for the Stars!


Carolyn Sims-Nesmith

Founder/Creative Director, CSN Productions


csnproductions.com    484-222-0418    info@csnproductions.com